July 2019
Soutpan Solar Power’s Socio Economic Development (SED) programme funds an impactful secondary school education support programme to assist Matric learners in improving their Maths, Science and English marks, three key subjects that are vital when it comes to equipping learners with academic results that will allow further tertiary studies and future careers.
This academic Matric support programme is designed to address gaps in essential school subjects and supplement what educators are doing on a daily basis. The schools that are targeted in this programme are situated at the rural areas where technology and other basic equipment, such as Physical Science equipment, are not available.
Soutpan Solar Power funds this academic support programme, which includes a stipend for retired teachers’; equipment such as laptop computers, study guides and other administrative equipment; transport for learners to and from their schools to the centre; a winter school support programme; and a Career Expo.
The equipment and academic support assists leaners from fourteen secondary schools and three primary schools. The secondary school learners travel to the programme’s centre, from nearby villages, during weekends and school holidays.
“South Africa persists with high dropout rates in the Further Education and Training phase of Grade 10 -12, often due to the critical subjects of Mathematics, Physical Science and English, which is why we are putting funding into these subjects,” said Harrisinah Theka, Economic Development Officer for Soutpan Solar Power.
She added, “When it comes to equipping youth for skills in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, these key subjects are what will offer a greater number of career opportunities and jobs”.